jovovich-hawk for mng/mango pictures

The main Jovovich-Hawk line is cute and cool in a vintage way, but the prices are unjustifiably high; I have two pieces and while they’re nice, they aren’t that nice. For $449, you should get more than a camisole—or at least you should get a camisole with Karl Lagerfeld’s sweat on it, you know?

So I am happy that Jovovich-Hawk’s cheapy collection will be at Mango in April. Obviously the quality won’t be as high as the main line, but really, the stuff is cute enough to sucker me into the snore zone of Mango. Here are teeny-tiny pics of the collection; I really want the last two pieces. What do you think?



4 responses to “jovovich-hawk for mng/mango pictures

  1. The first three look like Zandra-Rhodes-goes-goth and the others all look like stuff off of an H&M clearance rack. General impression: not very impressed……and these are as expensive as you say they are: forget it.

  2. And where did you find the pictures?

  3. You can get a somewhat better view of the collection here - Most of the photos are from the main J-H collection but the last four photos that show the clothes on the mannequins are for Mango.

    So far, I really like the 2nd, 6th and 8th pieces (as pictured above).

  4. Where are the Jovovich-Hawk clothing manufactured? I saw a few items in the shop and they didn’t look too impressive quality wise!!!

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